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So, recently we had large amount of people who were complaining about the price of the maphack. Well, you think 10-14 euro is too much? Let me remind you that you pay only once, and you have the maphack forever. Also this is the most secure and most capable maphack that ever existed for Dota 1. You even get scripts inside it. What else do you want? I bet 10 euro is equivalent to the daily food that you consume. So, you are paying 10 euro a day for food, but you can't pay 10 euro for a maphack that you will have forever? Makes no sense to me. Actually it does, there were free maphacks for too long time. There were no anti-cheats in the past. and you were free to play with whatever maphack you got. This time the dota 1 platforms have anti-cheats. So i am forced to maintain / update the maphack to keep it functional. Maintaining and updating the maphack is a work that i am not willing to do unless people pay for it. Otherwise what do i get in exchange for creating the maphack, maintaining and updating it? There is allways someone skilled enough to make 100% undetected maphack, but that requires a lot of work that needs to be paid. In that case, that someone is me. You should be more thankful for the work i put into this project. Because for 1 year and 6 months, there were 0 bans.

Posted 434 days ago

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