Home » News And Updates » New maphack is cooming

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Allright this might sound retarded. On this website there are already 2 maphacks. One with less features, and one with more features. The last 6 users who purchased our maphacks were complaining of performance issues. Those are users with low end PCs. The two maphacks on the website require at least dual core CPU. Now we will create a third and final maphack. We started coding it today. We need 2 more days to finish it. Every line of code is optimized at 100%. The new maphack's size will only be around 50kb. Very lightweight, it can run even on mini-notebooks. After we finish the development, we will give this maphack to our low end PC users. We will take into consideration moving all features from WC3 Dominator to the new fully optimized maphack. Since WC3 Dominator has a lot of features, this wont be easy job...

Posted 577 days ago

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