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As mentioned in the previous post, a new WPE PRO is cooming. It's gonna be called WPE PRO Detour. It's main ability is that you are able to inject it to any function in the game, and modify / detour any data from the parameters of that function. The 32 bit version is finished. You are able to see the decrypted traffic and apply filters to it. The program is limited to support only up to 5 filters. The reason of that is because the logic of the program is written in pure machine code. However, due to large amount of complications, the 64 bit version is developed separately. The entire code will be rewritten from scratch. The development will continue in the next 2-3 days. After that, the program will be released. However, not EVERYONE will be able to purchase it. We are talking about packet manipulator that is gonna read/modify DECRYPTED packets on EVERY game. So you can guess, setting up the program for usage will be complex for most of the users. We will manually pick the users who want WPE PRO Detour. All of this is just to make sure the user knows what he is doing, and understands the usage of WPE PRO Detour. Purchasing this program from the website will be blocked. Every purchase of WPE PRO Detour will be done manually.

Posted 545 days ago

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