Home » News And Updates » World Of Warcraft - The Ruins Of Monster WoW

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I am going to release a game! It's gonna be a free game! I created "Games" page where you can download the game. The game will be released november 2023. This is a game created in memory of a private server called Monster-WoW. It was the server where i, Diablo, spent 10 years of my life. Sadly the server got shut down by Blizzard Entertainment. This game is a very special game. It was coded from scratch using my own game engine. Basically, the game is a 2D version of WoW. By creating this game, i am able to say thanks to the owner of Monster-WoW (Mainadmin). For keeping his server online for all of those years. Even my very name "Diablo" originates from this private server. There is no player in the entire world who missed his WoW past more than i do. And i will prove that by making this game. The game is gonna be free as i said. It is not meant to make me any money, but it is made in memory of the BEST world of warcraft private server that ever existed. Stay tuned, and expect updates :).

Posted 333 days ago

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