Home » News And Updates » WPE PRO v0.3 - UPDATE

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Two users have purchased WPE PRO within the 5 days from it's release. We want to give huge thanks to those users, because that gave us enough motivation to extend it's features. We added couple tools that will help the users with their packet manipulation. Integrated tools such as Text to Bytes/Bytes to Text converter and Compare Packets. The Compare Packets option allows you to compare one packet with another. It gives you full report of the differences between the packets such as: Packets length, byte differences, length differences, similarity percentage and a GridView that allows you to inspect the packets byte by byte. In the future more tools will be added, but for now we focus the functionality on first place. We also added buttons that are able to Pause/Resume the network traffic(SAFE LAGSWITCH). Fixed Rotation Editor related bugs. Added Macro Editor - gives you the ability to Send or Receive a packed using configured hotkey.

Posted 616 days ago

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