Home » News And Updates » WPE PRO's source code is for sale

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So, here is what i encountered for 1 year while i was selling wpe pro. All people who want this program, are people who watched youtube tutorials from 2009, outdated tutorials. People blindly trust those tutorials without having any knowledge what is happening. Over 90% of the people who bought my program don't even know the computer datatypes. Which is the most basic thing that you should know when you work with raw bytes AKA the packets. I implemented usage monitoring to my programs and i was able to see when a person runs the program, for how much time he runs it ... ect. And i noticed that people come, buy, and they use the program for maximum of 7 days, and then they abandon it. They don't complain or ask for their money back. Those people come to me and expect to give them a program that will instantly give them the desired results. They think that without some basic knowledge of reversing, and the knowledge of the computer datatypes they can just hack the game easily. Some even offered up to 500 euro just to hack a specific game for them, because they buy, but they have no knowledge to continue from then on. I offer no support, and no help. I just provide a tool that is capable of hacking a specific game, i will not do the hacking for the user. If you have the knowledge to use this tool, you will not need any help. Just like i don't need help when parsing the packets. I realised that i'm just selling false hope to people... and the people who actually understand my program are very few. This was my one and only program that was in the first results of google. But at the same time it's a program that brings dirty money. I'm full of regret for making this program. The development was complex and long. Now i'm selling the source code directly, whoever has it, can distribute, modify and re-sell copies of this program as much as he wants. I just want to wash my hands from this piece of crap. Remember, this WPE PRO is completely undetected because it works as man in the middle. It doesn't inject any DLL, it doesn't touch the process in any way. That's why even in WoW retail i was able to use it. This is the only advantage that my program has, over a normal TCP packet manipulator. I hope someone with knowledge values my work and purchases the source code.

Posted 204 days ago

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