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Users wont be able to purchase for the next week

Since the software is delivered manually, I wont be available online in the next week or 2 weeks at most. So during that time, purchasing from the website is disabled.

Posted 21 days ago ago by Diablo

DiabloSoft goes offline - REMINDER

We will remind you that DiabloSoft goes offline at the end of 2024 (around December 15th). You must contact me on Discord so I can send you standalone license files so you can continue using your purchased software even if this website is offline. Please download all your purchased software and store it in USB, CD or re-upload it somewhere so you can never lose it. After this website is shut down, all source codes and programs will be deleted, so you won't be able to purchase them again. And if you are not a customer, then now is the time to purchase something from this website. All of our software is programmed to be reliable for many years.

Posted 34 days ago ago by Diablo

Prices increased for inflation again

Altair, the warmane esp price is increased by 2 euro. However, it not not fair for a simple ESP program to cost 10 euro. The program doesn't do anything special. So we upgraded the program. The program is now named Altair Ultra. This new version of the program is re-created from scratch using our newest ESP engine. Which is much more efficient than the previous one. Now, the program can trace absolutely everything. Mines, Herbs, Mailboxes, Books, Chairs, Benches, Lootable objects, Fish pools... ect. The program is much more powerful than its previous version. Even offers the ability to trace only specific NPCs or GameObjects. Which makes it useful to find what you are looking for. For example you might be looking for lootable quest objects? Just type the GameObject name in the program and it will find it for you! Video introduction of the program will be released soon!

Posted 76 days ago ago by Diablo

Prices increased for inflation

Prices of some programs were adjusted for the inflation. In the previous post we stated that DiabloSoft is going down at the end of this year. We will take advantage of this post to remind you that all our software is undetected. Anything that is downloaded from google for free will get you banned for sure. It is us who are able to make anything undetected(forever), but of course we are not doing this job for free. Your safety is the main reason why our cheats/software is paid. As the inflation grows, so will the prices on this website. So, by the end of this year the prices on this website will increase even more. We also want to say that we don't care about people who don't want to pay. For us, those people don't value cheats, so we don't value their presence here. The people who understand what we sell, and trust us that the cheats are undetected, those people will pay no matter the price. We are looking only for such people, about the rest - we don't care. As a start, the price of both maphacks were increased by 4 euro.

Posted 85 days ago ago by Diablo

DiabloSoft goes offline

At the end of 2024 this website is going down. Please download all the programs that you purchased and make a backup, upload them somewhere (mediafire,mega,cd,usb). You have time to re-download your files till the end of this year. I will send you standalone license files that allow you to continue using the programs that you purchased even after my service is closed. When my service is closed, all the files will be deleted and you cannot download them or re-purchase the software again. My discord is gonna be deleted as well, so i won't be able to answer any messages. Also none of the programs will be available from purchase, the source codes will be deleted, and some of them will be sold to new owners.

Posted 124 days ago ago by Diablo